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From our home to your kitchen.

180 Years of Fissler

Fissler has been in kitchens around the world for 180 years. For us, cooking means so much more than just preparing food. We proudly produce cookware that stands for more than just functionality. The reason for the existence of our premium cookware is to inspire and excite passionate cooks. Whether you want to impress your loved ones with dinner or experiment with Michelin-star recipes.

Made in Germany since 1845

Fissler brings the joy and art of cooking to life. With every product, we celebrate a unique combination of leading technology, craftsmanship and high-quality materials. For what counts. From our home to your kitchen. Made in Germany since 1845.

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From our home to your kitchen.

180 years of Fissler

Seit 180 Jahren ist Fissler in den Küchen dieser Welt Zuhause. Für uns bedeutet Kochen so viel mehr als nur die Zubereitung von Speisen. Mit Stolz fertigen wir Kochgeschirr, das für mehr steht als Funktionalität. Die Daseinsberechtigung unseres Premium Kochgeschirrs besteht darin, leidenschaftliche Köche zu inspirieren und zu begeistern. Egal, ob du deine Liebsten mit einem Abendessen begeistern oder mit Sterne-Rezepten experimentieren möchtest.

Made in Germany seit 1845

Fissler erweckt die Freude und Kunst des Kochens zum Leben. Mit jedem Produkt zelebrieren wir eine einzigartige Kombination aus führender Technologie, Handwerk und hochwertigen Materialien. Für das, was zählt. Aus unserer Heimat in deine Küche. Made in Germany seit 1845.

Fissler has been at home in kitchens around the world for 180 years. For us, cooking means so much more than just preparing food. We proudly produce cookware that stands for more than just functionality. The reason for the existence of our premium cookware is to inspire and excite passionate cooks. Whether you want to impress your loved ones with dinner or experiment with Michelin-star recipes.

Seit 180 Jahren ist Fissler in den Küchen dieser Welt Zuhause. Für uns bedeutet Kochen so viel mehr als nur die Zubereitung von Speisen. Mit Stolz fertigen wir Kochgeschirr, das für mehr steht als Funktionalität. Die Daseinsberechtigung unseres Premium Kochgeschirrs besteht darin, leidenschaftliche Köche zu inspirieren und zu begeistern. Egal, ob Sie Ihre Liebsten mit einem Abendessen begeistern oder mit Sterne-Rezepten experimentieren.

Made in Germany seit 1845

Fissler erweckt die Freude und Kunst des Kochens zum Leben. Mit jedem Produkt zelebrieren wir eine einzigartige Kombination aus führender Technologie, Handwerk und hochwertigen Materialien. Für das, was zählt. Aus unserer Heimat in deine Küche. Made in Germany seit 1845.

We are "180 Years"

From development to your kitchen - our employees live and love cooking. Find out which Fissler products inspire them every day, what cooking tips they can give you and how Fissler has influenced their view of cooking.

We are "180 Years"

From development to your kitchen - our employees live and love cooking. Find out which Fissler products inspire them every day, what cooking tips they can give you and how Fissler has influenced their view of cooking.

Our products through the ages

Since 1845, we have been developing cookware that has inspired generations. From the classics of the past to the modern designs of today - Fissler has always combined craftsmanship and innovation.

MOur products through the ages

Since 1845, we have been developing cookware that has inspired generations. From the classics of the past to the modern designs of today - Fissler has always combined craftsmanship and innovation.

Milestones from 180 years of Fissler

Milestones from 180 years of Fissler

Made for what matters

Made in Germany - for us, this means creating long-term value. Since 1845, we have been manufacturing premium cookware in Rhineland-Palatinate using state-of-the-art technology, experience and craftsmanship. To this day, Fissler is deeply rooted in this region and produces pots, pans, woks and pressure cookers. Always with the aim of inspiring and inspiring passionate chefs. 

Made for what matters

Made in Germany - for us, this means creating long-term value. Since 1845, we have been manufacturing premium cookware in Rhineland-Palatinate using state-of-the-art technology, experience and craftsmanship. To this day, Fissler is deeply rooted in this region and produces pots, pans, woks and pressure cookers. Always with the aim of inspiring passionate cooks. 

Exklusives Koch-Wissen aus der Profi-Küche

Entdecken Sie bewährte Tipps und Tricks für Ihre Küche – von Profis für Hobbyköche. Direkt aus unserem Kompendium, exklusiv für Sie.​