Made in Germany - 私たちにとってそれは「永く続く価値の創造」です。ドイツのイーダー・オーバーシュタインで、独自の最先端技術とクラフトマンシップの融合によりプレミアムなキッチンウェアを生み出しています。1845年の創業時から、フィスラーはその地に根差して鍋、フライパン、圧力鍋を作り続けています。 情熱的な料理人にインスピレーションを与えることを目標としており、それが私たちの「感謝」の表し方です。食材への感謝、料理の作り手への感謝、そして私たちの大切な人への感謝。
This is a really great frying pan! I just got the 11" and I could tell before I took it out of the box that it was a big deal. This pan is heavy-duty, solid, beautifully constructed. It sits on my stove burners perfectly and does not rock or slide like my other pans always tend to do. So far, I have used it about 10 times and have cooked a different dish each time. Overall I would say this is a top-performing, superior cookware choice. The price is high and I wouldn't typically purchase a pan with such a price tag, in fact, it costs about half what I paid for my last pan set. With that thought in mind though, this pan works hard and is definitely worth the splurge. I can see it outliving my other pans by generations, it reminds me of the quality cookware my grandparents had that was passed down to kids and then grandkids over the years. I feel so very lucky to own this frying pan and hope to expand my Fissler collection in the future.
某有名人がご愛用と知って、あこがれて買いました。 料理もしやすいのももちろん、見た目がおしゃれなところも気に入っています。