
アダマント コンフォート




Variant Description

¥16,500 - ¥19,800

Article No.: PROD_124957
アダマント コンフォート
<p>金属ヘラにも負けない強さと高いノンスティック効果を実現したアダマントシリーズ。</p><p>使いやすいコーティングフライパン。でも金属ヘラを使うとキズがついてしまう。そんな悩みを解決するのがアダマントです。</p><p>フィスラーの優れたコーティング技術で、くっつきにくさはそのままに、石のような固さと弾力で、スクラッチに強く、金属ヘラでも安心して使用できるフライパンを実現しました。</p><p>【特徴】</p><ul><li>フィスラー独自のアダマントコーティング:セラミックスの1種である炭化ケイ素とフッ素を組み合わせたコーティングは、それぞれの特徴であるくっつきにくさと、金属ヘラにも負けない頑丈さを兼ね備えています。カリッと仕上げたいお料理にもじっくり火を通すお料理にも。</li><li>安心して使えるセーフティハンドル:人間工学に基づき、握りやすく持った時の重さを軽減します。 濡れた手でも滑りにくく、滑り止めと熱よけのフィンガープロテクトやガスなどの直火から守るフレームガードも装備しています。</li><li>1枚あれば万能!多機能フライパン:垂直に高さのある側面で、煮汁がこぼれにくいため、焼き物、炒め物はもちろん、煮込み料理や揚げ物まで幅広く活用できます。内側には便利なメモリ付き。</li><li>クックスターサーミックベース:熱膨張率を考慮し、加熱した時に平らになるように設計されており、IHを含む全ての熱源でご使用いただけます。耐久性にも優れ、長くご使用いただけます。</li><li>PFOA/PFOSフリーだから安心:人体に有害な影響を与えると言われているPFOA/PFOSを一切使用していません。</li></ul><p><small>※コーティング剤の改良により、以前の製品と比べて青い粒子が目立つ・目立たないなど、見た目にわずかな違いが生まれる可能性がありますが、製品本体の性能・品質に問題はございません。</small></p>
本体形状 コニカル
材質 アルミニウム
シリーズ名 Adamant® Comfort
Product kind フライパン
カラー チャコールグレー
ハンドル材質 プラスチック
内面 フッ素樹脂コーティング(PTFE)
ブランド フィスラー
アダマント コンフォート 24cm


Made in Germany

Made in Germany - 私たちにとってそれは「永く続く価値の創造」です。ドイツのイーダー・オーバーシュタインで、独自の最先端技術とクラフトマンシップの融合によりプレミアムなキッチンウェアを生み出しています。1845年の創業時から、フィスラーはその地に根差して鍋、フライパン、圧力鍋を作り続けています。 情熱的な料理人にインスピレーションを与えることを目標としており、それが私たちの「感謝」の表し方です。食材への感謝、料理の作り手への感謝、そして私たちの大切な人への感謝。


  • Great Pans

    We have Four Pans at Home 3 at a River Home and have given them as gifts. We have one with the cross thread handle screw issue. But they are perfect for cooking and we will continue to give them as gifts. Plan to add the smallest but the 9.2 is our favorite. Very little butter or oil cooks Hash Browns and perfect Scrambled Eggs are easy to achieve. Have replaced our old standby Iron Skillet for Steaks as well. Check the handle and return immediately. Other than that enjoy a great pan.

    - John Nichols
  • Well developed frying pan

    Absolutely the best cookware I've had. The scramble eggs are fluffy and full. The handle fits well since I have large hands. And the cookware cleans easily. Excellent!!

    - RJ
  • 長持ちします


    - 無名
  • Works so well!

    I am so incredibly impressed by the Fissler Adamant Comfort Non-Stick Fry Pan. The shape and the deepness of this product make it super versatile. I have cooked multiple different things in this fry pan and not one has even slightly stuck. The 9.5" is the perfect size for many dishes. The handle itself is a nice size and shape also!

    - Anonymous

    They say that non-stick is so easy and convenient but that cast iron is the way to go. I don't know who "they" are but THEY are right on the money. You think of non-stick as easy to clean but they don't really do a good job of crisping things like potatoes or chicken cutlets. Then there's cast iron which does an incredible job at that, but cleaning it is a pain and you have to re-season it frequently. Well, here's the solution. The perfectly engineered best of both worlds. This Fissler Adamant Comfort Non-Stick Fry Pan, 9.5" is what you've been looking for. I swear by it now. It solved a problem I never knew existed. Yes, I have both non-stick and a cast iron fry pan. This is better than both of them. It heats evenly, gives a nice cook to your food but it also cleans up so nicely. I promise you that you'll love this pan as much as I did. Try it for yourself!!! See what you've been missing!!! Now I want a whole set.

    - Anonymous
  • Everything you want

    Pan is hefty and big which is exactly what I was looking for. From opening it up and removing from the package, until my fourth time using it, it felt like a quality product. I feel that I can continue to use it without any issue arising in the future. No issues and glad I received.

    - Anonymous
  • Very heavy duty

    It's awesome and very heavy duty pan. It is very unique and I like I could use all types of spatula. It's very easy to clean and cook's everything even.

    - Anonymous
  • Love this pan

    Great pan. Frys evenly. Very easy to clean. Scrambled eggs didn't stick!! Will use this pan every chance I can

    - Anonymous
  • Best pan in my cabinet

    This pan is by far the best I have. It is now my go to pan. The weight is perfect and the bottom is amazing. It helps retain the heat and provide even cooking on my gas stove top.

    - Anonymous
  • My absolute favorite pan

    It is by far my favorite pan in the house. It is a true wonder in the kitchen! This pan heats up nicely and it evenly cooked everything I put into it. I will even go out on a limb and say it's better than cast iron. Fissler definitely knows how to make quality cookware!

    - Anonymous
  • Great!

    This fry pan is exactly what I needed. It works perfectly for everything from eggs to steak. It is truly non stick and washes very easily. The handle doesn't heat up which is a huge factor for me too. Definitely a 10/10.

    - Anonymous
  • Smaller than expected

    Nice and heavy. I like how the non stick is a little bit textured. It's deep enough to shallow fry. I wish it came with a lid and that it was a bit bigger.

    - Anonymous
  • My favorite pan!

    This is an amazing pan. I've put it through the ringer from pancakes, and eggs, to veggies and chicken. Everything comes out perfect and the pan cleans up perfectly! I love how amazing this pan is!

    - Anonymous
  • Wobbly Handle

    The 9.5" Fissler Adamant® Comfort Non-Stick Fry Pan is a luxury-priced pan that lives up to Fissler's promises, with a singular downside -- its wobbly handle. Measurement markers are a nice feature. The base is nice and level for even heat penetration. The inside surface is scratch-resistant and non-stick. I cooked an egg without any butter or oil, and it didn't stick whatsoever. Oil and grease pour right out after cooking. Food browned up nicely. The pan was easy to clean given that nothing remained attached. Rinsing with water was completely sufficient. The pan is also dishwasher safe. I appreciate that the pan is suitable for all stove-types, including induction. While the pan cannot be used in the oven, the handle does not get hot like my all-metal pans. The pan is a bit hefty, but not outside the norm. This pan does not come with a lid, but one can be purchased separately. The handle is attached with a screw that the user is supposed to tighten to eliminate the wobbliness of the handle. The screw was impossible to twist. Even though I removed and reattached the handle with a drill, given that a screwdriver did not do the trick, the handle was no more secure than before. While there is a 5-year warranty, the company does not seem to have a customer service number. E-mails are answered, but when suggestions don't alleviate the problem, communication drops. I would recommend this to family and friends except for the high price point and the issue with the handle not attaching securely, regardless of my best efforts to tighten the screw.

    - Anonymous
  • Amazing

    This skillet is my new fried tater skillet. The taters crisp up and fry to a nice brown. Not many skillets allow you to use very little oil and not having potatoes stick. This one is a winner if you like country cooking!

    - Anonymous
  • Awesome Fry Pan

    This pan is my favorite. I love to cook, the pans I have used over the years do not hold up well. Also food tends to stick and get burnt on them. Well not this Fissler fry pan! It is made very sturdy and thick. Nothing seems to stick to it. The handle design is great, it does not get hot either. I look forward to purchasing more of these pans to add to my collection.

    - Anonymous
  • Awesome

    We have switched over to mainly cast iron, but were thoroughly impressed with the way that the Fissler Adamant Comfort Non-Stick Fry Pan worked. Eggs, sweet potatoes, and ground beef have all been cooked on here, and the cooking service still looks pristine. The food slides right now This pan is working so well, my 11 year is making his eggs on here himself now, and loves watching them slide out of the pan.

    - Anonymous
  • Solid pan

    Good weight and holds great pretty well. I like the tall sides and markings as well. Non stick is OK but that is always good out of the box and will have to wait to see how long it lasts.

    - Anonymous
  • Fry pan

    This is a great pan. You can make absolutely anything and it won't stick. This is easily cleanable and I love cooking in it.

    - Anonymous
  • Solid pan

    Good weight and holds great pretty well. I like the tall sides and markings as well. Non stick is OK but that is always good out of the box and will have to wait to see how long it lasts.

    - Anonymous