
Fissler Global Cooking Challenge 2023 – The Concept


  • The Fissler Global Cooking Challenge is a global cooking competition that focuses on the contestants, their dishes, and the stories that go with them. ​
  • Over a period of about 5 months, an international jury appointed by Fissler will determine a "finalist" in 3 rounds who will represent his/her country at the grand finale in Munich together with a professional chef as coach.​
  • On the way there, the candidates will be given tasks in 3 rounds that focus on appreciation, enjoyment and craftmanship in cooking. Since it is primarily about the dishes and the stories behind them, anyone who is of age and able to create an Instagram reel video can participate. ​
  • Throughout the challenge, Alexander Herrmann will act as brand ambassador, communicating the challenge tasks to the community and announcing the winner of each round. ​
  • In the grand finale in Munich, 5 finalists will compete in a live cooking event. The winner of the Global Cooking Challenge wins a culinary trip for two people worth EUR 10,000 to a country in which Fissler is represented by a national organization.


The Jury

Alexander Herrmann (Germany)

  • since 2019 2 stars in the Guide Michelin.​

  • Energetic, humorous, sympathetic: Alexander Herrmann stands out. This is not only due to his engaging nature, but also to his Franconian tongue and friendly face, on which there is usually a smile.


Corentin Delcroix (China)

  • known for its international top cuisine​

  • Corentin Delcroix was born in France and is now based in Shanghai. His cooking style combines traditional French and European cuisine with Chinese culture. This creates a unique combination of different country cuisines.


Joon-Woo Park (Korea)

  • intl. top chef, author and gastronomy critic.​

  • The Belgian-Korean chef is now based in Seoul and has participated in various TV shows in Korea and published three books. He also won second place in the first season of the Korean TV show "Master Chef.


The Criteria

The recipes and videos submitted in the 3 rounds of the Fissler Global Cooking Challenge 2023 will be evaluated by the jury according to the following criteria:

  • Story behind the recipe up to 3 points 

  • Representation & presentation up to 3 points 

  • Rafinesse & sophistication up to 2 points 

  • Selected ingredients up to 2 points 

  • Possible total score = 10 points


The Process

Round 1: Appreciation in cooking // Who can participate? Anyone can participate

  • We want to know: What does "appreciation" in cooking mean to the participant, and which dish has a special meaning for them? Perhaps because it reminds them of their childhood or is associated with a special moment in their life. It could be an appreciation of the ingredients, the cook, or the people being cooked for.  The challenge: "Cook your dish and tell us your personal story about it in a video or Instagram reel of max. 90 seconds that you post on your private Instagram account. This video must be viewable by Fissler and the public."Twenty-five (25) winners will be selected from the entries submitted by participants in Round 1. 

  • The twenty-five (25) winners will qualify to participate in Round 2. 


The twenty-five (25) winners will win an Adamant® cookware set to use in Round 2.• Round 2:  The joy of cooking. // Who can participate? Only the twenty-five (25) Winners from Round 1 who have qualified to participate in Round 2 may participate.

  •  It's all about the joy of cooking with family and friends. In the second round, the 25 contestants cook with the Fissler Adamant® cookware set they won in Round 1. We want to know: "What is your favorite dish and do you cook it often when you have friends and family over? What special moments in your life do you remember related to this dish?  

  •  The task: "Cook your dish, tell us your personal story about it and use the Fissler Adamant® potset in a video or Instagram reel of max. 90 seconds, which you publish on your private Instagram account. This video must be viewable by Fissler and the public. 

  • Ten (10) winners will be selected from the Round 2 entrants.   

  • The ten (10) winners will qualify to participate in Round 3. 

  • The ten (10) winners will win a Fissler pressure cooker to cook with in Round 3.


Round 3:  Sustainability and Responsibility. // Who can participate? Only the ten (10) winners from Round 2 who have qualified to participate in Round 3 may participate.

  •  It's all about healthy nutrition, regional products and energy- and time-saving cooking. In the third round, the ten (10) participants will cook with a Fissler Vitavit® Premium pressure cooker, which they won in round 2: We want to know more about your home country and the regional ingredients you cook with. For example, do you buy them at your local farmer's market or at your trusted health food store?  

  •  The challenge: Cook your dish and tell us what responsibility in cooking means to you. Use the Fissler pressure cooker in a video or Instagram reel of max. 90 seconds that you publish on your private Instagram account. This video must be viewable by Fissler and the public.

  • The three (3) winners will be selected from the entries submitted by the contestants in Round 3.  

  • The three (3) winners will qualify to participate in the finals. 

  • The three (3) winners will receive a set of Fissler Original-Profi Collection® pots to use for cooking in the final.


The Final // Who can participate? Only the three (3) winners from Round 3 and one (1) contestant from Korea and one (1) contestant from China who have qualified for the Final will be able to participate.

  •  In the final in Munich on 28.10.2023, the three (3) finalists will meet one finalist from Korea and one finalist from China. The five (5) finalists will compete in a live cooking event and showcase their skills. They will be coached and judged by top chefs Alexander Herrmann, Joon-Woo Park and Corentin Delcroix. Each finalist must bring a local ingredient with which to prepare a poultry dish within 60 min before the best dish and 1 winner is chosen based on the aforementioned judging criteria. The winner will win a culinary trip for 2 people worth EUR 10,000.00 to a country where Fissler has a country organization.


More details:  Global Cooking Challenge | Fissler

These Terms and Conditions ("T&C") apply to the active participation as a contestant in the first round of the Global Cooking Challenge by Fissler GmbH ("Fissler") between the participants in this promotion and Fissler. By participating in this competition, participants agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. 


Participation requirements: 

  • A private, active Instagram account visible to the public 

  • Participation is only possible after complete and truthful provision of all information required for the implementation of the promotion and acceptance of this T&C. 


Organizer of the competition:  

  • Fissler GmbH 

  • Harald-Fissler-Straße 1 

  • 55743 Idar-Oberstein 


Eligible participants: 

  • Any natural person who is at least 18 years of age 

  • Only residential addresses and no shipping addresses may be provided. 


Exclusion from the competition:  

  • Employees of Fissler and employees of companies contracted to carry out the respective competition as well as their relatives in the 1st and 2nd degree (e.g. parents, siblings, children) are excluded from participation. 

  • Fissler reserves the right to exclude persons from the competition if these conditions are violated. 

  • Persons who use unauthorized aids or otherwise obtain advantages through manipulation will also be excluded. In such cases, prizes may also be subsequently disallowed and reclaimed.  

  • Anyone providing false personal information may be disqualified from the contest. 



The competition consists of three rounds and a final. The winners of each round 

  • qualify for the next round or the winners of Round 3 qualify for the Grand Final; 

  • receive the prizes offered for the respective Round or Grand Final. 

The details of the procedure of the respective rounds and the prizes can be found in the following regulations: 


Grant rights to use submitted Instagram reels: 

Participants grant Fissler the unrestricted right, in terms of location and content, to the Instagram reels submitted for participation in rounds 1 to 3 in accordance with the following provisions, as well as to excerpts and/or still images from the reels. 

  • in connection with the implementation of the Global Cooking Challenge; and 

  • use for marketing purposes related to the Global Cooking Challenge. This includes announcements and trailers as well as use in highlights. 

This includes, but is not limited to, the right to reproduce, edit and make the content publicly available. The participant also agrees to the use of his/her image, name and voice for the aforementioned purposes. 



Round 1: 



  • Participation in the contest is free and takes place   
    • first (1.): by setting the Instagram profile to "public"
    • second (2.): by creating an Instagram reel in German or English language, in which
    • third (3.): by answering the task listed above under Round 1 "The Process".
    • fourth (4.): by publishing the Instagram reel according to point (2) with the hashtag #fisslergcc2023. 
  • Only those entrants who continue to meet all the above requirements at the end of the contest and at the time of the drawing will be eligible to win. 

  • Instagram Reels or accompanying comments that violate Instagram policies, German law and/or copyright, are in any way defamatory, obscene, harmful, offensive, or inappropriate, or violate the rights of any third party, or advertise or promote the goods and services of any third party, will be removed without notice. The entrant will be ineligible to win. 

  • If third parties are shown on the respective reel, the participant must ensure that their consent has been obtained for the use of the reel within the scope of the competition and in accordance with the rights of use granted to Fissler within the scope of the competition. 


By participating in the competition, the participant guarantees that all information provided is complete and correct. 



  • Twenty-five (25) 3-player Adamant Pot Sets will be raffled among all qualifying entrants.  

  • Winners will also qualify for Round 2. 

  • Prizes cannot be redeemed for cash. 

  • Entitlement to the prize, a substitute prize and/or entry into Round 2 cannot be transferred. 


Winner’s Choice: 

In the first round, a Fissler jury selects the winners from the community to advance to the next round. The judging will be based on the following criteria: 

  • Story behind the recipe up to 3 points  

  • Representation & presentation up to 3 points  

  • Rafinesse & sophistication up to 2 points  

  • Selected ingredients up to 2 points  

  • Possible total score = 10 points 


Winner notification, confirmation and shipping: 

  • Winners will be notified in calendar week 25. 

  • Winners will be notified via Instagram direct message. 

  • Within 5 working days, German-speaking winners must contact @fissler_de via Instagram direct message, English-speaking winners must contact @fissler with their full address and confirm their win. 

  • If winners have not provided their shipping address to @fissler_de or @fissler via Instagram direct message by the deadline, their claim to the prize will be forfeited; Fissler reserves the right to name alternates (replacement winners). 

  • The prize will be sent within 10 days after the address has been provided. 

  • If the prize cannot be shipped to the winner due to circumstances for which the winner is responsible and not Fissler (e.g., incorrect residential address, etc.), the winner's claim to the prize shall be forfeited. 

  • Questions regarding delivery can be sent via Instagram direct message to @fissler_de or @fissler


  • Participation in the contest is free of charge and takes place
    • first (1.): with the Instagram profile set to "public".
    • second (2.): by creating an Instagram reel in English or German,
      • in which the questions are answered: What is your "signature dish" and is it often cooked when you invite friends and family? What special moments do you remember with this dish and your loved ones?
      • showing the preparation of the dish in the prize given by Fissler in Round 1
      • showing the finished dish at the end of the Instagram reel.
    • third (3.): by posting the Instagram Reel with the hashtag #fisslergcc2023


  • Only entrants who still meet all of the above requirements at the end of the competition and at the time of the draw will be eligible to win.

  • Instagram Reels or accompanying comments that violate Instagram policies, German law and/or copyright, are in any way defamatory, obscene, harmful, offensive or inappropriate, or violate the rights of third parties, or advertise or promote third party goods and services, will be removed without notice upon becoming known. The entrant will then be ineligible to win.

  • If third parties are shown on the respective reel, the participant must ensure that their consent to use the reel within the scope of the competition and in accordance with the rights of use granted to Fissler within the scope of the competition has been obtained.



  • Ten (10) Vitavit® Premium Pressure Cooker will be raffled among all participants who meet the entry requirements. 

  • The winners will also qualify for round 3.

  • Non-cash prizes cannot be paid out in cash.

  • The claim to the prize, a prize substitute and/or participation in Round 3 cannot be assigned.


Winner’s Choice:

In the second round, a Fissler jury will select a total of ten (10) winners from the twenty-five (25) winners of the first round to advance to the next round. The judging will be based on the following criteria:

  • Story behind the recipe up to 3 points 

  • Representation & presentation up to 3 points 

  • Rafinesse & sophistication up to 2 points 

  • Selected ingredients up to 2 points 

  • Possible total score = 10 points


Winner notification, winner confirmation and shipping:

  • Winners will be notified in calendar week 32.

  • Winners will be notified via Instagram direct message.

  • Within 5 working days, German-speaking winners must contact @fissler_de via Instagram direct message, English-speaking winners must contact @fissler with their full address and confirm their win.

  • If winners have not provided their shipping address to @fissler_de or @fissler via Instagram direct message by the deadline, their claim to the prize will be forfeited; Fissler reserves the right to name alternates (replacement winners).

  • The prize will be sent within 10 days after the address has been provided.

  • If the prize cannot be shipped to the winner due to circumstances for which the winner is responsible and not Fissler (e.g., incorrect residential address, etc.), the winner's claim to the prize shall be forfeited.

  • Questions regarding delivery can be sent via Instagram direct message to @fissler_de or @fissler.


Complaints relating to the conduct of the competition must be submitted in writing to Fissler GmbH within 14 days of the reason for the complaint becoming known, stating the competition. Complaints communicated by telephone or late complaints will not be processed.


  • Die Teilnahme am Gewinnspiel ist kostenlos und erfolgt
    • first (1.): by setting the Instagram profile to "public".
    • second (2.): by creating an Instagram reel in English or German, 
      • cooking a healthy meal using only local produce and our Vitavit® Premium Pressure Cooker. We would like to know more about your home and the local ingredients you cook with. For example, do you buy your ingredients at the farmers' market or your local health food store? Tell us your story and cook the dish along the way.
      • showing the preparation of the dish with the products that Fissler will give away as prizes in round 2.
      • showing the finished dish at the end of the Instagram reel.
    • third (3rd): by posting the Instagram reel using the hashtag #fisslergcc2023


  • Only those entrants who continue to meet all of the above requirements at the end of the contest and at the time of the drawing will be eligible to win.

  • Instagram Reels or accompanying comments that violate Instagram policies, German law and/or copyright, are in any way defamatory, obscene, harmful, offensive or inappropriate, or violate the rights of any third party, or advertise or promote the goods and services of any third party, will be removed without notice. The entrant will be ineligible to win.

  • If third parties are shown on the respective reel, the participant must ensure that their consent to use the reel within the scope of the competition and in accordance with the rights of use granted to Fissler within the scope of the competition has been obtained.



  • Three (3) sets of 5 of the Original-Profi Collection® with pan will be raffled among all participants who meet the entry requirements.  

  • The winners qualify for the final  

  • Winners will win a trip to Munich, including accommodation, with an accompanying person.

  • Prizes in kind cannot be paid out in cash.

  • The claim to the prize, a prize substitute and/or the participation in the Grand Finale cannot be assigned.


Winner’s Choice:

In the third round, a Fissler jury will select a total of three (3) winners from the ten (10) second round winners to advance to the Grand Final. The judging will be based on the following criteria:

  • Story behind the recipe up to 3 points 

  • Representation & presentation up to 3 points 

  • Rafinesse & sophistication up to 2 points 

  • Selected ingredients up to 2 points 

  • Possible total score = 10 points


Winner notification, winner confirmation and shipping:

  • The winners will be notified in calendar week 36.

  • Winners will be notified via Instagram direct message.

  • Within 5 working days, German-speaking winners must contact @fissler_de via Instagram direct message, English-speaking winners must contact @fissler with their full address and confirm their win.

  • If winners have not provided their shipping address to @fissler_de or @fissler via Instagram direct message by the deadline, their claim to the prize will be forfeited; Fissler reserves the right to name alternates (replacement winners).

  • The prize will be sent within 10 days after the address has been provided.

  • If the prize cannot be shipped to the winner due to circumstances for which the winner is responsible and not Fissler (e.g., incorrect residential address, etc.), the winner's claim to the prize shall be forfeited.

  • Questions regarding delivery can be sent via Instagram direct message to @fissler_de or @fissler.


Complaints relating to the conduct of the competition must be submitted in writing to Fissler GmbH within 14 days of the reason for the complaint becoming known, stating the competition. Complaints communicated by telephone or late complaints will not be processed.

The Grand Finale is scheduled to take place on October 28, 2023 in Munich. Fissler reserves the right to postpone the Grand Finale for good cause.



  • The winner of the final will win a culinary trip worth 10,000 euros.

  • Material prizes cannot be paid in cash.

  • The right to the prize or a substitute prize is not transferable.


Winner’s choice:

In the final, a jury of six will select a winner from the five (5) finalists. The jury will consist of the five (5) chefs assigned to the competitors and one additional chef. Judging will be based on the dishes prepared by the finalists; however, the chefs cannot vote for each of their assigned contestants. The judging will be based on the following criteria:

  • Story behind the recipe up to 3 points 

  • Representation & presentation up to 3 points 

  • Rafinesse & sophistication up to 2 points 

  • Selected ingredients up to 2 points 

  • Possible total score = 10 points


Winner notification, confirmation and shipping:

  • The winner will be determined and notified directly during the Grand Finale.

  • If the winner is unable to claim the prize due to circumstances for which the winner is responsible and not Fissler, the claim to the trip will be forfeited.


Complaints relating to the conduct of the competition must be submitted in writing to Fissler GmbH within 14 days of the reason for the complaint becoming known, stating the competition. Complaints made by telephone or after the deadline will not be considered.


Violation of "T&C": 

  • Fissler reserves the right to exclude participants from the competition in the event of a violation of the T&C.

  • In the event of a participant's exclusion, Fissler may also subsequently withdraw and reclaim any prizes.

  • The participant is obligated to indemnify Fissler and its vicarious agents from all claims by third parties that are based on the participant's conduct in violation of the law or the contract while participating in the competition. The indemnification also includes the reimbursement of costs incurred by Fissler as a result of necessary legal action/defense. The participants must inform Fissler without delay if they become aware of an imminent infringement. Participants warrant that all information provided in their entries is true and correct.


Premature termination of the competition:

  • Fissler GmbH reserves the right to cancel or terminate the competition at any time without prior notice and without giving reasons. Fissler GmbH will exercise this right in particular if the proper execution of the game cannot be guaranteed for technical reasons (e.g. viruses in the computer system, manipulation or errors in the hardware and/or software) or for legal reasons. If such a termination is caused by the conduct of a participant, Fissler GmbH may demand compensation for the damage incurred from this person.


Privacy Information and Consent:

The following data protection information applies to participants in the competition with regard to the use of their personal data by Fissler in the execution and handling of the competition:

  • When collecting, processing and using the personal data of the participants, Fissler observes the relevant data protection regulations and generally uses this data only for the provision, implementation and handling of the competition. The data will then be deleted, provided that this does not conflict with any rights or obligations of the organizer to retain the data. Further information on data protection, in particular on the rights of the persons concerned and on the possibility of lodging an objection- The personal data will be deleted in accordance with the statutory provisions.

  • Fissler takes appropriate, in particular contractual, organizational and technical security measures to ensure compliance with the applicable data protection regulations and in particular to protect the personal data of the participants against accidental or unintentional changes, loss, destruction and against access by unauthorized persons.

  • Participants are free at any time to request information about the use of their personal data and to revoke their consent to the use and storage of their personal data at any time without giving reasons. An informal e-mail to service@fissler.com is sufficient for this purpose. In the same way, they can also arrange for deletion or blocking and correction of the data.service@fissler.com.

  • In the event of a revocation, the participant's personal data will be immediately deleted from the database. The revocation and the deletion of the personal data of the participant will be confirmed by e-mail upon request. If the withdrawal is made before the contest has been processed, further participation in the contest is excluded.

  • Further information on data protection, in particular on the rights of data subjects and on the possibility of objecting to data processing can be found at https://www.fissler.com/de/datenschutzerklaerung/.



  • Fissler GmbH is released from all obligations upon delivery of the prize, unless an earlier date results from these provisions.

  • Fissler GmbH shall only be liable for damages caused intentionally or by gross negligence by Fissler GmbH, its legal representatives, executive employees or other vicarious agents. 

  • Furthermore, Fissler GmbH shall be liable in accordance with the statutory provisions in the event of the assumption of guarantees or other strict liability, as well as in the event of claims under the Product Liability Act or culpable injury to life, limb or health.

  • Fissler GmbH is liable on the merits for breaches of material contractual obligations caused by simple negligence on the part of Fissler GmbH, its representatives, executive employees and simple vicarious agents, i.e. obligations on the fulfillment of which the participant regularly relies and may rely for the proper performance of the contract, in this case, however, limited to the amount of the foreseeable, typically occurring damage.

  • The foregoing limitation of liability also applies in particular to damages caused by errors, delays or interruptions in the transmission of data or similar, in the event of malfunctions of technical equipment or the service, incorrect content, loss or deletion of data, viruses. 

    Participants may contact Fissler for this purpose:

  • Fissler GmbH 
    Harald-Fissler-Straße 1 
    55743 Idar-Oberstein 
    Phone: +49 6781 403 - 0 
    Fax: +49 6781 403 - 321 
    Email: zentrale@fissler.de


Instagram exemption

  • This Promotion is not affiliated with, sponsored, endorsed or administered by Instagram in any way. Entrants hereby release Instagram from any and all claims and liabilities that may arise in connection with the Promotion.



  • There is no right of appeal.

  • The Prize Draw and these Rules are governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.

  • If any of these terms are or become invalid, the validity of the remaining terms shall not be affected.


These Terms of Use may be amended by Fissler GmbH at any time without separate notification. 

These terms and conditions ("T&Cs") apply to the passive participation in the first round of the Global Cooking Challenge by Fissler GmbH ("Fissler") between the participants in this promotion and Fissler. By participating in this competition, participants agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.


Participation requirements:

  • An active Instagram account that can be accessed by third parties


Organizer of the competition: 

  • Fissler GmbH

  • Harald-Fissler-Straße 1

  • 55743 Idar-Oberstein

  • Phone: +49 6781 403 -0


Eligible participants:

  • Any natural person who is at least 18 years of age

  • Only residential addresses and no shipping addresses may be provided.



  • Participation in the contest is free and takes place  
    • first (1.): by commenting with the hashtag #fisslergcc2023 and answering the question "What is your most important cooking utensil?" under the video published on July 3, 2023 at 3 p.m. for the Global Cooking Challenge 2023 with 2-star chef Alexander Herrmann on the Fissler Instagram accounts (https://www.instagram.com/fissler_de/ and https://www.instagram.com/fissler) in German or English. Each participant will only be considered once, multiple comments will not increase the chances of winning.
    • second (2.): by subscribing ("following") one of following two Instagram accounts of Fissler @fissler_de and @fissler and
    • third (3.): by liking the posting.


  • Only those entrants who continue to meet all the above requirements at the end of the contest and at the time of the drawing will be eligible to win.

  • Instagram Reels or accompanying comments that violate Instagram policies, German law and/or copyright, are in any way defamatory, obscene, harmful, offensive, or inappropriate, or violate the rights of any third party, or advertise or promote the goods and services of any third party, will be removed without notice. The entrant will be ineligible to win.

  • If third parties are shown on the respective reel, the participant must ensure that their consent has been obtained for the use of the reel within the scope of the competition and in accordance with the rights of use granted to Fissler within the scope of the competition.


Exclusion from the competition:

  • Employees of Fissler and employees of the companies contracted to carry out the respective competition as well as their relatives in the 1st and 2nd degree (e.g., parents, siblings, children) may participate, but are excluded from the raffle.

  • Fissler reserves the right to exclude persons from the competition if these conditions are violated.

  • Persons who use unauthorized aids or otherwise obtain advantages through manipulation will also be excluded. In such cases, prizes may also be subsequently disallowed and reclaimed. 

  • Anyone providing false personal information may be disqualified from the contest.



  • Five (5) experience packages for two persons each will be raffled among all participants who meet the participation requirements. The packages can be redeemed on a day previously agreed upon with Fissler GmbH
    • including a visit to Fissler GmbH
    • including an overnight stay with breakfast in a 4-star hotel in or near Idar-Oberstein. The fees and expenses listed below, among others, will not be reimbursed
      • private telephone calls
      • minibar
      • pay TV
      • Spa and wellness treatments or fitness fees
    • tour of our production facilities at the Hoppstaedten-Weiersbach site
    • joint cooking with the Fissler team at the company site in Idar-Oberstein raffled off. 
  • Prizes in kind cannot be paid out in cash.

  • The claim to the prize or prize replacement cannot be assigned.


Winner’s choice:

  • 5 winners will be drawn at random from all participants.


Winner notification, confirmation, and shipping:

  • Winners will be notified on July 10, 2023.

  • Winners will be notified of their prize via direct message on Instagram. For this purpose, participants must ensure that they can receive messages from the Instagram accounts https://www.instagram.com/fissler_de/ and https://www.instagram.com/fissler.

  • Winners must contact @fissler_de or @fissler within 5 business days via direct message with their full address and confirm their win. By communicating the complete address, the participant assures that his or her information is complete and correct. 

  • Should the direct message not be deliverable and/or should the winners not have transmitted their shipping addresses via Instagram direct message to @fissler_de or @fissler by July 15. 2023, their claims to the prize will be forfeited; Fissler reserves the right to name successors (substitute winners).

  • The prize will be dispatched within 10 days of notification of the address.

  • If the prize cannot be sent to the winners due to circumstances for which the winners are responsible and not Fissler (e.g., providing the wrong residential address or similar), their claim to delivery will be forfeited.

  • Questions regarding the shipment can be directed to @fissler_de or @fissler via Instagram direct message.

  • Complaints relating to the conduct of the competition must be submitted in writing to Fissler GmbH within 14 days of the reason becoming known, stating the competition. Complaints communicated by telephone or late complaints will not be processed.


Violation of "T&Cs": 

  • Fissler reserves the right to exclude participants from the competition in the event of a violation of the TNB.

  • In the event of a participant's exclusion, Fissler may also subsequently withdraw and reclaim any prizes.

  • The participant is obligated to indemnify Fissler and its vicarious agents from all claims by third parties that are based on the participant's conduct in violation of the law or the contract while participating in the competition. The indemnification also includes the reimbursement of costs incurred by Fissler as a result of necessary legal action/defense. The participants must inform Fissler without delay if they become aware of an imminent infringement. Participants warrant that all information provided in their entries is true and correct.


Premature termination of the competition:

  • Fissler GmbH reserves the right to cancel or terminate the competition at any time without prior notice and without giving reasons. Fissler GmbH will exercise this right in particular if the proper execution of the competition cannot be guaranteed for technical reasons (e.g., viruses in the computer system, manipulation or errors in the hardware and/or software) or for legal reasons. If such a termination is caused by the conduct of a participant, Fissler GmbH may demand compensation from this person for the damage incurred.


Data protection notice and consent:

The following data protection information applies to participants in the competition with regard to the use of their personal data by Fissler in the execution and handling of the competition:

  • When collecting, processing and using the personal data of participants, Fissler complies with the relevant data protection regulations and uses this data only for the provision, implementation and execution of the competition. The data will then be deleted, provided that this does not conflict with any rights or obligations of the organizer to retain the data. Further information on data protection, in particular on the rights of data subjects and on the possibility to object:

  • The personal data will be deleted in accordance with the statutory provisions.

  • Fissler takes appropriate, in particular contractual, organizational and technical security measures to ensure compliance with applicable data protection regulations and in particular to protect the personal data of participants against accidental or unintentional alteration, loss, destruction and against access by unauthorized persons.

  • Participants may request information about the use of their personal data at any time and may revoke their consent to the use and storage of their personal data at any time without giving reasons. An informal e-mail to service@fissler.com is sufficient for this purpose. In the same way, you can also request the deletion or blocking and correction of the data.

  • In case of a revocation, the personal data of the participant will be immediately deleted from the database. Upon request, the revocation and the deletion of the subscriber's personal data will be confirmed by e-mail. If the withdrawal is made before the contest has been processed, further participation in the contest is excluded.


Further information on data protection, in particular on the rights of data subjects and on the possibility of objecting to data processing can be found at https://www.fissler.com/de/datenschutzerklaerung/.



  • Fissler GmbH is released from all obligations upon delivery of the prize, unless an earlier date results from these provisions.

  • Fissler GmbH shall only be liable for damages caused intentionally or by gross negligence by Fissler GmbH, its legal representatives, executive employees or other vicarious agents. 

  • Furthermore, Fissler GmbH shall be liable in accordance with the statutory provisions in the event of the assumption of guarantees or other strict liability, as well as in the event of claims under the Product Liability Act or culpable injury to life, limb or health.

  • Fissler GmbH is liable on the merits for breaches of material contractual obligations caused by simple negligence on the part of Fissler GmbH, its representatives, executive employees and simple vicarious agents, i.e. obligations on the fulfillment of which the participant regularly relies and may rely for the proper performance of the contract, in this case, however, limited to the amount of the foreseeable, typically occurring damage.

  • The foregoing limitation of liability also applies in particular to damages caused by errors, delays or interruptions in the transmission of data or similar, in the event of malfunctions of technical equipment or the service, incorrect content, loss or deletion of data, viruses. 
    Participants may contact Fissler for this purpose:

  • Fissler GmbH 
    Harald-Fissler-Straße 1 
    55743 Idar-Oberstein 
    Phone: +49 6781 403 - 0 
    Fax: +49 6781 403 - 321 
    Email: zentrale@fissler.de


Instagram exemption

  • This Promotion is not affiliated with, sponsored, endorsed or administered by Instagram in any way. Entrants hereby release Instagram from any and all claims and liabilities that may arise in connection with the Promotion.



  • There is no right of appeal.

  • The Prize Draw and these Rules are governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.

  • If any of these terms are or become invalid, the validity of the remaining terms shall not be affected.


These Terms of Use may be amended by Fissler GmbH at any time without separate notification. 

These Terms and Conditions ("T&Cs") apply to the passive participation in the second round of the Global Cooking Challenge by Fissler GmbH ("Fissler") between the participants in this promotion and Fissler. By participating in this contest, participants agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.


Participation requirements:

  • An active Instagram account that can be accessed by third parties


Organizer of the competition: 

  • Fissler GmbH

  • Harald-Fissler-Straße 1

  • 55743 Idar-Oberstein

  • Phone: +49 6781 403 -0

  • Fax: +49 6781 403 -321


Eligible participants:

  • Any natural person who is at least 18 years of age

  • Only residential addresses and no shipping addresses may be provided.




  • Participation in the contest is free and takes place 
    • first (1.): by commenting with the hashtag #fisslergcc2023 and answering the question "Which of the previous participant posts did you particularly like?" under the video published on 07.08.2023 at 3 p.m. about the Global Cooking Challenge 2023 with 2-star chef Alexander Herrmann on the Fissler Instagram accounts (https://www.instagram.com/fissler_de/ and https://www.instagram.com/fissler) in German or English. Each participant will only be considered once, multiple comments will not increase the chances of winning.
    • second (2.): by subscribing ("following") one of following two Instagram accounts of Fissler @fissler_de and @fissler and
    • third (3.): by liking the posting.
  • Only those entrants who continue to meet all the above requirements at the end of the contest and at the time of the drawing will be eligible to win.

  • Instagram Reels or accompanying comments that violate Instagram policies, German law and/or copyright, are in any way defamatory, obscene, harmful, offensive, or inappropriate, or violate the rights of any third party, or advertise or promote the goods and services of any third party, will be removed without notice. The entrant will be ineligible to win.

  • If third parties are shown on the respective reel, the participant must ensure that their consent has been obtained for the use of the reel within the scope of the competition and in accordance with the rights of use granted to Fissler within the scope of the competition.


Exclusion from the competition: 

  • Employees of Fissler and employees of the companies contracted to carry out the respective competition as well as their relatives in the 1st and 2nd degree (e.g., parents, siblings, children) may participate, but are excluded from the raffle.

  • Fissler reserves the right to exclude persons from the competition if these conditions are violated.

  • Persons who use unauthorized aids or otherwise obtain advantages through manipulation will also be excluded. In such cases, prizes may also be subsequently disallowed and reclaimed. 

  • Anyone providing false personal information may be disqualified from the contest.



  • Five (5) experience packages for 2 persons each worth 2,500 EUR (per package) will be raffled off among all participants and participants inside who meet the conditions of entry, including participation in the Gourmet Oktoberfest by 2-star Michelin chef Alexander Herrmann at the Posthotel in Wirsberg, including an overnight stay.

  • The prizes cannot be exchanged for cash.

  • The right to the prize or its substitution is not transferable.


Winner’s choice:

  • 5 winners will be drawn at random from all participants.


Winner notification, winner confirmation and shipping:

  • Winners will be notified on August 14, 2023.

  • Winners will be notified of their prize via direct message on Instagram. For this purpose, participants must ensure that they can receive messages from the Instagram accounts https://www.instagram.com/fissler_de/ and https://www.instagram.com/fissler.

  • Winners must contact @fissler_de or @fissler within 5 business days via direct message with their full address and confirm their win. By communicating the complete address, the participant assures that his or her information is complete and correct. 

  • Should the direct message not be deliverable and/or should the winners not have transmitted their shipping addresses via Instagram direct message to @fissler_de or @fissler by August 20. 2023, their claims to the prize will be forfeited; Fissler reserves the right to name successors (substitute winners).

  • The prize will be dispatched within 10 days of notification of the address.

  • If the prize cannot be sent to the winners due to circumstances for which the winners are responsible and not Fissler (e.g., providing the wrong residential address or similar), their claim to delivery will be forfeited.

  • Questions regarding the shipment can be directed to @fissler_de or @fissler via Instagram direct message.

  • Complaints relating to the conduct of the competition must be submitted in writing to Fissler GmbH within 14 days of the reason becoming known, stating the competition. Complaints communicated by telephone or late complaints will not be processed.


Violation of "T&Cs": 

  • Fissler reserves the right to exclude participants from the competition in the event of a violation of the TNB.

  • In the event of a participant's exclusion, Fissler may also subsequently withdraw and reclaim any prizes.

  • The participant is obligated to indemnify Fissler and its vicarious agents from all claims by third parties that are based on the participant's conduct in violation of the law or the contract while participating in the competition. The indemnification also includes the reimbursement of costs incurred by Fissler as a result of necessary legal action/defense. The participants must inform Fissler without delay if they become aware of an imminent infringement. Participants warrant that all information provided in their entries is true and correct.


Premature termination of the competition:

  • Fissler GmbH reserves the right to cancel or terminate the competition at any time without prior notice and without giving reasons. Fissler GmbH will exercise this right in particular if the proper execution of the game cannot be guaranteed for technical reasons (e.g. viruses in the computer system, manipulation or errors in the hardware and/or software) or for legal reasons. If such a termination is caused by the conduct of a participant, Fissler GmbH may demand compensation for the damage incurred from this person.


Privacy Information and Consent:

The following data protection information applies to participants in the competition with regard to the use of their personal data by Fissler in the execution and handling of the competition:

  • When collecting, processing and using the personal data of participants, Fissler complies with the relevant data protection regulations and uses this data only for the provision, implementation and execution of the competition. The data will then be deleted, provided that this does not conflict with any rights or obligations of the organizer to retain the data. Further information on data protection, in particular on the rights of data subjects and on the possibility to object:

  • The personal data will be deleted in accordance with the statutory provisions.

  • Fissler takes appropriate, in particular contractual, organizational and technical security measures to ensure compliance with applicable data protection regulations and in particular to protect the personal data of participants against accidental or unintentional alteration, loss, destruction and against access by unauthorized persons.

  • Participants may request information about the use of their personal data at any time and may revoke their consent to the use and storage of their personal data at any time without giving reasons. An informal e-mail to service@fissler.com is sufficient for this purpose. In the same way, you can also request the deletion or blocking and correction of the data.

  • In case of a revocation, the personal data of the participant will be immediately deleted from the database. Upon request, the revocation and the deletion of the subscriber's personal data will be confirmed by e-mail. If the withdrawal is made before the contest has been processed, further participation in the contest is excluded.


Further information on data protection, in particular on the rights of data subjects and on the possibility of objecting to data processing can be found at https://www.fissler.com/de/datenschutzerklaerung/.



  • Fissler GmbH is released from all obligations upon delivery of the prize,unless an earlier date results from these provisions.

  • Fissler GmbH shall only be liable for damages caused intentionally or by gross negligence by Fissler GmbH, its legal representatives, executive employees or other vicarious agents. 

  • Furthermore, Fissler GmbH shall be liable in accordance with the statutory provisions in the event of the assumption of guarantees or other strict liability, as well as in the event of claims under the Product Liability Act or culpable injury to life, limb or health.

  • Fissler GmbH is liable on the merits for breaches of material contractual obligations caused by simple negligence on the part of Fissler GmbH, its representatives, executive employees and simple vicarious agents, i.e. obligations on the fulfillment of which the participant regularly relies and may rely for the proper performance of the contract, in this case, however, limited to the amount of the foreseeable, typically occurring damage.

  • The foregoing limitation of liability also applies in particular to damages caused by errors, delays or interruptions in the transmission of data or similar, in the event of malfunctions of technical equipment or the service, incorrect content, loss or deletion of data, viruses. 
    Participants may contact Fissler for this purpose:

  • Fissler GmbH 
    Harald-Fissler-Straße 1 
    55743 Idar-Oberstein 
    Phone: +49 6781 403 - 0 
    Fax: +49 6781 403 - 321 
    Email: zentrale@fissler.de


Instagram exemption

  • This Promotion is not affiliated with, sponsored, endorsed or administered by Instagram in any way. Entrants hereby release Instagram from any and all claims and liabilities that may arise in connection with the Promotion.



  • There is no right of appeal.

  • The Prize Draw and these Rules are governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.

  • If any of these terms are or become invalid, the validity of the remaining terms shall not be affected.


These Terms of Use may be amended by Fissler GmbH at any time without separate notification. 

These Terms and Conditions ("T&Cs") apply to the passive participation in the third round of the Global Cooking Challenge by Fissler GmbH ("Fissler") between the participants in this promotion and Fissler. By participating in this contest, participants agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.


Participation requirements:

  • An active Instagram account that can be accessed by third parties


Organizer of the competition: 

  • Fissler GmbH

  • Harald-Fissler-Straße 1

  • 55743 Idar-Oberstein


Eligible participants:

  • Any natural person who is at least 18 years of age

  • Only residential addresses and no shipping addresses may be provided.




  • Participation in the contest is free and takes place  
    • first (1.): by commenting with the hashtag #fisslergcc2023 and answering the question "Which participant is your favorite in the Global Cooking Challenge 2023 and could manage to win the grand prize?" under the Global Cooking Challenge 2023 video with Alexander Herrmann published on August 31, 2023 at 7 p.m. on the Instagram accounts (https://www.instagram.com/fissler_de/ and https://www.instagram.com/fissler) in German or English. Each participant will only be considered once, multiple comments will not increase the chances of winning.
    • second (2.): by subscribing ("following") one of following two Instagram accounts of Fissler @fissler_de and @fissler and
    • third (3.): by liking the posting.
  • Only those entrants who continue to meet all the above requirements at the end of the contest and at the time of the drawing will be eligible to win.

  • Instagram Reels or accompanying comments that violate Instagram policies, German law and/or copyright, are in any way defamatory, obscene, harmful, offensive, or inappropriate, or violate the rights of any third party, or advertise or promote the goods and services of any third party, will be removed without notice. The entrant will be ineligible to win.

  • If third parties are shown on the respective reel, the participant must ensure that their consent has been obtained for the use of the reel within the scope of the competition and in accordance with the rights of use granted to Fissler within the scope of the competition.


Exclusion from the competition: 

  • Employees of Fissler and employees of the companies contracted to carry out the respective competition as well as their relatives in the 1st and 2nd degree (e.g. parents, siblings, children) may participate, but are excluded from the raffle.

  • Fissler reserves the right to exclude persons from the competition if these conditions are violated.

  • Persons who use unauthorized aids or otherwise obtain advantages through manipulation will also be excluded. In such cases, prizes may also be subsequently disallowed and reclaimed. 

  • Anyone providing false personal information may be disqualified from the contest.



  • Five (5) tickets for two people to the finale in Munich, including a meet & greet with all the professional chefs participating in the finale + a Fissler Original-Profi Collection® pot set will be raffled off among all participants who meet the eligibility requirements.

  • The prizes cannot be exchanged for cash.

  • The right to the prize or its replacement cannot be transferred.


Winner’s choice:

  • 5 winners will be drawn at random from all participants.


Winner notification, winner confirmation and shipping:

  • Winners will be notified on September 11, 2023.

  • Winners will be notified of their prize via direct message on Instagram. For this purpose, participants must ensure that they can receive messages from the Instagram accounts https://www.instagram.com/fissler_de/ and https://www.instagram.com/fissler.

  • Winners must contact @fissler_de or @fissler within 5 business days via direct message with their full address and confirm their win. By communicating the complete address, the participant assures that his or her information is complete and correct. 

  • Should the direct message not be deliverable and/or should the winners not have transmitted their shipping addresses via Instagram direct message to @fissler_de or @fissler by September 16. 2023, their claims to the prize will be forfeited; Fissler reserves the right to name successors (substitute winners).

  • The prize will be dispatched within 10 days of notification of the address.

  • If the prize cannot be sent to the winners due to circumstances for which the winners are responsible and not Fissler (e.g., providing the wrong residential address or similar), their claim to delivery will be forfeited.

  • Questions regarding the shipment can be directed to @fissler_de or @fissler via Instagram direct message.

  • Complaints relating to the conduct of the competition must be submitted in writing to Fissler GmbH within 14 days of the reason becoming known, stating the competition. Complaints communicated by telephone or late complaints will not be processed.


Violation of "T&Cs": 

  • Fissler reserves the right to exclude participants from the competition in the event of a violation of the TNB.

  • In the event of a participant's exclusion, Fissler may also subsequently withdraw and reclaim any prizes.

  • The participant is obligated to indemnify Fissler and its vicarious agents from all claims by third parties that are based on the participant's conduct in violation of the law or the contract while participating in the competition. The indemnification also includes the reimbursement of costs incurred by Fissler as a result of necessary legal action/defense. The participants must inform Fissler without delay if they become aware of an imminent infringement. Participants warrant that all information provided in their entries is true and correct.


Premature termination of the competition:

  • Fissler GmbH reserves the right to cancel or terminate the competition at any time without prior notice and without giving reasons. Fissler GmbH will exercise this right in particular if the proper execution of the game cannot be guaranteed for technical reasons (e.g. viruses in the computer system, manipulation or errors in the hardware and/or software) or for legal reasons. If such a termination is caused by the conduct of a participant, Fissler GmbH may demand compensation for the damage incurred from this person.


Privacy Information and Consent:

The following data protection information applies to participants in the competition with regard to the use of their personal data by Fissler in the execution and handling of the competition:

  • When collecting, processing and using the personal data of participants, Fissler complies with the relevant data protection regulations and uses this data only for the provision, implementation and execution of the competition. The data will then be deleted, provided that this does not conflict with any rights or obligations of the organizer to retain the data. Further information on data protection, in particular on the rights of data subjects and on the possibility to object:

  • The personal data will be deleted in accordance with the statutory provisions.

  • Fissler takes appropriate, in particular contractual, organizational and technical security measures to ensure compliance with applicable data protection regulations and in particular to protect the personal data of participants against accidental or unintentional alteration, loss, destruction and against access by unauthorized persons.

  • Participants may request information about the use of their personal data at any time and may revoke their consent to the use and storage of their personal data at any time without giving reasons. An informal e-mail to service@fissler.com is sufficient for this purpose. In the same way, you can also request the deletion or blocking and correction of the data.

  • In case of a revocation, the personal data of the participant will be immediately deleted from the database. Upon request, the revocation and the deletion of the subscriber's personal data will be confirmed by e-mail. If the withdrawal is made before the contest has been processed, further participation in the contest is excluded.


Further information on data protection, in particular on the rights of data subjects and on the possibility of objecting to data processing can be found at https://www.fissler.com/de/datenschutzerklaerung/.



  • Fissler GmbH is released from all obligations upon delivery of the prize, unless an earlier date results from these provisions.

  • Fissler GmbH shall only be liable for damages caused intentionally or by gross negligence by Fissler GmbH, its legal representatives, executive employees or other vicarious agents. 

  • Furthermore, Fissler GmbH shall be liable in accordance with the statutory provisions in the event of the assumption of guarantees or other strict liability, as well as in the event of claims under the Product Liability Act or culpable injury to life, limb or health.

  • Fissler GmbH is liable on the merits for breaches of material contractual obligations caused by simple negligence on the part of Fissler GmbH, its representatives, executive employees and simple vicarious agents, i.e. obligations on the fulfillment of which the participant regularly relies and may rely for the proper performance of the contract, in this case, however, limited to the amount of the foreseeable, typically occurring damage.

  • The foregoing limitation of liability also applies in particular to damages caused by errors, delays or interruptions in the transmission of data or similar, in the event of malfunctions of technical equipment or the service, incorrect content, loss or deletion of data, viruses. 
    Participants may contact Fissler for this purpose:

  • Fissler GmbH 
    Harald-Fissler-Straße 1 
    55743 Idar-Oberstein 
    Phone: +49 6781 403 - 0 
    Fax: +49 6781 403 - 321 
    Email: zentrale@fissler.de


Instagram exemption

  • This Promotion is not affiliated with, sponsored, endorsed or administered by Instagram in any way. Entrants hereby release Instagram from any and all claims and liabilities that may arise in connection with the Promotion.



  • There is no right of appeal.

  • The Prize Draw and these Rules are governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.

  • If any of these terms are or become invalid, the validity of the remaining terms shall not be affected.


These Terms of Use may be amended by Fissler GmbH at any time without separate notification.