Rice is a popular side dish for various dishes. Rice contains not only complex carbohydrates, which lead to a longer feeling of satiety, but also valuable B vitamins. Of course, rice can also be prepared excellently in a pressure cooker. To do this, mix the desired amount of rice with water in a ratio of 1:1 in an unperforated insert. Fill the pressure cooker with a little water up to the "Min" mark, place the tripod and insert in the pressure cooker and bring to the boil on the highest stove power. As soon as the yellow ring appears, the cooking time of 5-8 minutes on cooking level 3 begins - depending on the desired al dente consistency. Rice is also excellent for tiered cooking in the pressure cooker.
Red and green cabbage
Red and green cabbage are popular (festive) vegetables, especially during the Christmas season, due to their wintry taste and are very healthy due to their richness in vitamin C, iron and calcium. In order to preserve these nutrients in the best possible way during cooking and to save time, it is recommended to prepare them in a pressure cooker.
To do this, cut the red cabbage into fine strips and first sauté with the lid off. Season to taste. Add some red wine and vinegar to the red cabbage up to the "min" mark inside the pot, close the pressure cooker and turn the stove to the highest setting. As soon as the yellow ring appears, the cooking time of 4-6 minutes on cooking level 3 begins.
Lightly saute the kale in the pressure cooker. Season with salt and pepper. Then fill the pressure cooker with water up to the "Min" mark. Cook the contents on the highest stove power from the appearance of the yellow ring for 8-10 minutes on cooking level 3.
Goulash is a meat dish originating from Hungary. In Germany it is usually prepared from beef and served with noodles or potatoes. For this it is cooked for several hours. Therefore, to save time, it is worth preparing the goulash in a pressure cooker.
To prepare the goulash, fry the desired amount of meat, onions and peppers in the pressure cooker until hot. Then fill the pressure cooker with a mixture of red wine and beef broth (at least 300ml). Season to taste or according to the recipe. Put the stove on the highest setting. As soon as the yellow ring appears, the cooking time of 20-25 minutes on cooking level 3 begins.
In Germany, the potato is one of the most important staple foods. It is characterized by its diversity in taste, appearance and preparation. In addition, the potato contains not only numerous minerals, such as vitamin C, sodium, iron and calcium, but also a high proportion of carbohydrates, so that the potato keeps you full for a long time. The potato can be cooked not only in conventional pots, but is excellent for preparation in a pressure cooker.
For this, the potatoes cut into equal-sized pieces and peeled, put in the insert and salt to taste. Place the tripod and the insert in the pressure cooker. Fill the pressure cooker with water so that the "Min" mark is reached. Close the pressure cooker and turn the stove to the highest setting. When the yellow ring appears, the cooking time starts from 6-8 minutes on cooking level 3- depending on the size of the potato pieces. For boiled potatoes, the cooking time is 8-12 minutes. Another advantage: potatoes are super suitable for tier cooking in the pressure cooker.
Beet has a blood purifying, blood pressure lowering and anti-inflammatory effect. In combination with the richness in vitamin B, potassium and iron, it is considered a true superfood. It is therefore all the more important that the nutrients are retained during the cooking process instead of being washed out. The preparation in the pressure cooker pays off especially for this.
To prepare, peel the beet and place it in the perforated insert of the pressure cooker. Place the attachment with the tripod in the pot and fill with water up to the "Min" mark. Close the pressure cooker and let it boil on the highest stove power. Once the yellow ring appears, the cooking time begins. Depending on the size of the beetroot, the cooking time takes between 20 and 25 minutes on cooking level 2.
Roast Beef
A popular dish for Sundays or holidays in Germany is roast beef. In combination with potatoes, salad or pasta, it is ideal as a main course. However, its preparation is time-consuming, which makes it worthwhile to prepare it in a pressure cooker.
For this, season and prepare the roast beef as usual. Chop all other ingredients, such as onions and garlic, and sear them together with the meat in the pressure cooker. Then deglaze the roast beef with meat stock and red wine. Bring the pressure cooker to a boil on the highest heat setting. As soon as the yellow ring appears on the cooking crown, the cooking time of 30-40 minutes (500g meat) on cooking level 3 begins.